Mississippi Valley Cremation & Direct Burial Logo


Sepio Guard


We ensure that no matter where death occurs, we'll get you back home.

If death occurs 75 miles or more from the legal residence, we will arrange to get your loved one back home.

Just simply give us a call and we will get everything in motion while letting you know what’s going on every step of the way.


Discover the Benefits of Sepio Guard's Comprehensive Coverage


Enjoy lifetime coverage and protection for you and your loved ones when death occurs 75+ miles from home.


We provide a licensed funeral home for the deceased, overseeing all necessary preparation, including embalming or cremation. From transportation to the chosen licensed funeral home, every detail is handled with care and professionalism, lightening the burden during challenging times for a dignified and respectful process.


Experience a hassle-free process with no claim forms, deductions, age limits, or health questions. Enjoy peace of mind with no transport dollar limits. We handle all necessary documentation, making a challenging time more manageable for you and your family.

Set Up Today


$1095 or $25/mo*

*Includes Taxes

  • What's Included

    Direct cremation is the cremation of your loved one, without embalming, formal viewing, or ceremony. Mississippi Valley Cremation’s direct cremation package does not include any burial services, use of the facilities and staff for funeral ceremonies or memorial services, or embalming. 

    Our Charges Include:

    • Services of a Mississippi Valley Cremation & Direct Burial Funeral Director and Staff
    • Bringing your loved one into our care and transportation to our facilities (within 60-mile radius of Quad Cities, IL
    • Refrigeration of your loved one
    • An alternative cremation container (cardboard container)
    • Crematory fee (up to 350 lbs.) included - over 350 lbs an additional fee applies
    • Biodegradable/recyclable urn
    • All necessary permits
    • Obituary tribute and social media sharing from our website
    • Cremated remains may be picked up at our office, 1811 15th Street Pl., Moline, IL (Wendt Funeral Home) pr they can be shipped via certified mail by USPS within the US (additional charge).”
    • Any applicable taxes
    • Online Grief Support
    • Transfer of cremains (ashes) to merchandise (urns, jewelry, keepsakes, etc.) that is purchased from Mississippi Valley Cremation & Direct Burial.


$1995 or $42/mo*

*Includes Taxes/Does not include cemetery charges

  • What's Included

    Direct burial is a burial option in which the body is buried in the days immediately after death, without embalming, formal viewing, or ceremony. Direct burial is the

    most affordable burial option available. Mississippi Valley Cremation & Direct Burial package does not include any cemetery charges, use of facilities, or staff for funeral ceremonies, memorial services, or embalming.   

    Our Charges Include:

    • Basic services of funeral director & staff, care of the deceased, transfer from a local hospital, nursing home, or residence, preparation of loved one, use of our care facility.
    • All arrangements must be completed online through our secure online arranger.
    • Transportation (mini-van hearse) of your loved one to the cemetery within 30 mile radius of Quad Cities
    • Filing of necessary authorizations, permits and death certificates.
    • Obituary tribute and social media sharing from our website.
    • One certified copy of death certificate.
    • Spectra casket (available in 4 colors).
    • Online Grief support
    • Transfer of cremains (ashes) to merchandise (urns, jewelry, keepsakes, etc.) that is purchased from Mississippi Valley Cremation & Direct Burial.

    ** The package cost does NOT include cemetery lot, vault OR delivery/setup of vault and/or cemetery charges

    Prior to drafting any contract for goods or services, the responsible party or Next of Kin, handling the funeral arrangements is entitled to receive a copy of any pre-need agreement in the possession of the funeral establishment that has been signed and paid for in whole or in part, by or on behalf of the decedent.

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